Teclast M40 Reviews Features

Currently, the market is oversaturated with products, especially in technology. It is estimated that only 50% of the new brands and products that come onto the market each year meet quality standards that can be considered adequate.

That is why it is very important that, as consumers, we are informed about which products are really worth buying. At Techcombact, we inform you first-hand so that you end up choosing a quality product and don’t WASTE YOUR MONEY with a second-rate one.


In this post, we tell you how we found the TECLAST M40 tablet, which stands out for being one of the best in terms of quality-price among the options you will find. And, above all, being Chinese-made, we are interested in telling you how positive you will find in this model.

Opinions about the Teclast M40

But before going to our analysis, we want to show you some of the opinions that we have found on the web about this model. As you will see, each user highlights some particularity of the tablet, based on their needs and their level of expertise on the subject:

“I needed a tablet with good features. Especially that it had a 4G LTE connection and good autonomy, for when I have to travel. This TECLAST meets the conditions without a doubt. The 6,000 mAh battery lasts well for a full day, and is enough to drive a 10-inch screen and an 8-core processor up to 2 GHz.”

“This tablet is very fluid: I have tried several heavy games like Call of Duty and some 4K videos on it, and it has moved perfectly”

“The tablet works great! The only problem is that the brightness of the screen is not enough for outdoors, it is a pity that the screen is not brighter, because the rest is very good”

“Pretty good for home use. I have used it for the Internet, documents and e-mail… for those functions it is more than enough. The battery is also very good.

“If what you are looking for is something to navigate, some game and multimedia use, it may be worth it.”

Our analysis of the Teclast M40

Once we know the different criteria that the buyers and users of this tablet have, it is time to give you our opinion after making an in-depth analysis of this device:

Design and materials

We begin with a section that, first-hand, we have liked a lot: and it is the design. This one is synthetic and sleek, with smooth edges and an aluminum finish with plastic frames.

Suppose you have already read our other posts. In that case, you will know that we are fascinated by aluminum finishes because they considerably reduce the weight of the tablet, as well as being more resistant to shocks and overheating, which can damage components such as the microprocessor, the battery and RAM.

On the other hand, it has plastic frames 10 millimeters thick, ensuring maximum screen use. As an extra, it comes with a plastic screen protector, but if you prefer to buy a tempered glass one for greater security, you will easily find this standard measure.


The tablet’s screen is 10.1 inches and provides good image quality as well as contrast.

Although the resolution is Full HD, and the screen technology is IPS (retina) to ensure a wide viewing angle, it has 224 pixels per inch: Which is medium density but quite adequate for viewing multimedia content, yes! , do not expect super graphics in video games!


It incorporates two speakers in the lower area of ​​the tablet, which works with the manufacturer’s own sound system, called Momentum: which, although it is a stereo system, is not surround technology, hence the most demanding and knowledgeable users will notice the difference between it and systems like Dolby Atmos.


In the hardware section, we could say that it is where the Teclast stands out the most: especially in terms of performance and connectivity.

We are talking about a 2.0 GHz Unisoc Tiger T 618 octa-core processor and an 845 MHz ARM Mali-652 graphics co-processor. Although it is a low-cost processor, when we compare it with the mid-range MediaTek and Qualcomm, it is powerful, especially for the help it receives from the coprocessor.

In addition, the 6 GB of RAM is appreciated, which ensures that the tablet meets demanding tasks. The 128 GB seems to us an excellent storage option, and much better for allowing expansion of up to an extra 256 GB.


The fact that it incorporates 4G LTE thanks to the Dual SIM allows absolute mobility, and with 5 GHz Wi-Fi, you can enjoy streaming content from major platforms such as Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime without any problem.

Operating system

The Teclast M40 comes with Android 10, which the manufacturer says will continue to update. And the best thing about this is that it comes free of bloatware, in fact, it only comes with the essential apps.

This is a great point in favour, because it allows you to add only the apps you need, and it won’t be complicated because this Chinese manufacturer has incorporated Google Play services. Now, for advanced users, the customization content may seem like a fair thing to do.


The cameras, as expected in this range and price range (and in some higher devices) are quite limited. With 8 MPx for the rear sensor and 5 MPx for the front, it will be enough for video calls and meetings by ZOOM or apps of the same style.


The battery is another of the good aspects that this tablet brings together because, with 6,000 mAh and medium brightness, it allows up to 8 hours of continuous video playback.

Therefore, with normal use, it will last for 2 days without looking for the charger. Which, by the way, is not fast charging, but being a USB type C connection, it is quite versatile if you forget the cable at any time.

Our conclusions

Well, after having shown you everything you could be wondering about the Teclast M40 model, it only remains for us to tell you that, in our opinion, and considering the trajectory of this Chinese manufacturer:

It is one of the tablets with the best hardware/price ratio, and therefore it is a mid-range device at a reasonable price . If you are looking for a tablet that does not exceed $200, with enough features for demanding use, and more than enough for the average user, this option is ideal for you.

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